• Armenia should implement int'l organizations' decisions on Karabakh - Russsian official

The decisions of the UN Security Council, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should finally be implemented, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Lower House of Parliament of Russia Dmitry Saveliev told Trend July 2.

He was commenting on the results of the conference entitled as "Azerbaijan is the only ally of Russia in the South Caucasus" which was held July 1 in Jojug Marjanli village of Jabrayil region.

Savelyev noted that, the need to intensify efforts to implement the decisions of the international community, which has repeatedly expressed support for the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is obvious.

"The need to expand and strengthen the ties of our countries is obvious for both Russia and Azerbaijan under the current difficult conditions of political instability, as our two states are able together to ensure peace and stability in the Transcaucasus region. And today, this statement has gained special relevance in the light of the events in Armenia, which threaten to destabilize the entire region," Saveliev said.

The deputy chairman once again stressed that, Azerbaijan is a strategic partner and a direct neighbor of Russia, as well as the largest and economically developed state of the south Caucasus.

"Azerbaijan is located at the crossroads of civilizations geographically and in ethno-religious terms, and serves as a bridge between Russia and the Middle East. Azerbaijan has become an important player in the energy market and a major transport hub over a quarter of a century of independence. The country has carried out a real urban revolution, and created a powerful economic infrastructure and a strong army," the Russian politician said.

Saveliev reminded that, the trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Russia has been steadily growing, cooperation in the economy has been established, cooperation in the production and transportation of oil and gas has been started, and the special services of both countries have successfully combined their efforts in the fight against terrorism, suppressing the activities of radical groups within their territories in the last five or six years.

"I would especially like to note Azerbaijan's foreign policy solidarity with Russia. Moscow and Baku often act with a common position in solving important world problems. Not so long ago, Azerbaijan officially refused to join the sanctions regime against Russia imposed by the US and a number of Western countries, saying that it will not participate in projects and sanctions against friendly peoples," said the deputy chairman of the committee of the lower house of parliament.

Saveliev stressed that, Russia is making efforts within the OSCE Minsk group to resolve the Karabakh problem peacefully, while the activity of the other members of the Minsk group, unfortunately, is clearly insufficient.

"While the international community is inactive, Azerbaijan is forced to take independent steps. We all witnessed that, at the end of May 2018, the village of Gunnut in Sharur district of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the important strategic heights around it were liberated from occupation. In total, the territory of 11,000 hectares, more than 8,000 hectares of which are suitable for agriculture, is taken under control," Saveliev concluded.

Earlier, during the conference held July 1 in Jojug Marjanli village of Jabrayil region, Saveliev said the Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent regions of Azerbaijan must be returned unconditionally.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts.

Karabakh Today